Phobias/Intense Fears

Specialized Therapy in Arizona, Massachusetts, Texas, and PSYPACT authorized states

A phobia activates your child’s “fight, freeze, or flight” response.

Phobias are extremely intense and unreasonable fears to a specific trigger or the anticipation of a specific object or situation that is not truly dangerous. Regardless of the actual danger, children and teens with phobias experience extremely unpleasant emotions and thoughts that lead them to avoid the trigger at all costs. Panic attacks, trembling, inconsolable crying, and fleeing the situation are usual symptoms of phobias. Children with phobias may struggle with:

  • Medical procedures or recommendations, such as vaccines, blood draws, or taking prescribed medications, or fun activities such as school field trips, as a result of their phobia

  • Experience family disruption as a result of their phobia, leading to feelings of shame and guilt about the negative impact their phobia is causing to their families

  • A “fight, flight, or freeze” automatic response due to their brain mistaking a non-dangerous trigger as dangerous. Essentially, their bodies are attempting to feel safe by fighting off the danger, freezing, or escaping it.

Common phobias include:

Fear of animals, insects, reptiles, etc.

Fear of storms, heights, water/ocean, or fire.

Fear of needles, including shots, seeing blood, or other injuries.

Situations such as flying, driving, enclosed spaces, or the dark.

Places such as doctor’s offices, hospitals, or graveyards.

Fear of vomiting or getting sick.

Let’s get started.

Please complete the form to schedule a consultation or appointment, and one of our team members will reach back out to you within 48 hours!

Contact Info

21803 N Scottsdale Rd, Ste 105

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

(480) 630-0593

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline